Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder

What is wrong with Canada? It enforces bad laws; e.g., the human rights complaints against MacLean's magazine when it refused to knucle under to a shakedown by some Muslims, and ignores the enforcement of other laws.

The National Post ran a column by John Turley-Ewart called Sharia by stealth. It outlines the laws against polygamy and references the self-admitted breach of those laws by a Toronto Imam, Aly Hindy, who is responsible, by his own statements for aiding and abetting some 30 polygamous marriages in the Muslim community, often to the detriment of the firt wife and children. This a crime punishable by up to five years in prison.

These quotes are attributed to him in the NP article:

"If the laws of the country conflict with Islamic law, if one goes against the other, then I am going to follow Islamic law, simple as that."

Has anybody in law enforcement begun proceedings against him. No. Are they likely to -- not a chance.

We are two years and counting for the illegal occupation of land in Caledonia Ontario by native Indians and has any law enforcement agency removed the occupiers. No.

Each time one of these self-righteous groups or persons puts the boots to the law of the land and the government authorities turn a blind eye it simply encourages other like-minded individuals to take advantage of the demonstrated weakness and push the envelope of their own agendas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said, "Each time one of these self-righteous groups or persons puts the boots to the law of the land and the government authorities turn a blind eye it simply encourages other like-minded individuals to take advantage of the demonstrated weakness and push the envelope of their own agendas."

Surely anyone, not just the like-minded, may feel encouraged to take advantage of a demonstrated weakness. Moreover, it seems manifest that all human beings are approximately equal in their demonstrated weakness. With care, it seems possible to take advantage of that weakness in order to recover and preserve natural liberty.